Stomach or Carcass?

 So I found something in the snow this morning.  At first I thought it was an embryo or fetus from a mouse or other rodent.  When I examined the photo I thought maybe a mole because of the yellow looking part at what I thought could be a nose.  

  The closer I examined the photo the more I leaned toward this being a stomach.  Going back outside and seeing if it is still there and getting a much closer look would undoubtedly confirm this.  The timid teenager in me who didn't care for disections in school says nope.  The aged, curious, adult in me says yes.  The practical part, however, that part that looks at the forteen degrees, feels like zero, doesn't want to get dressed up again to head outside, even though it is nine degrees warmer than when this was found. 

So, what do you think?  Other than that I am a wuss!

I believe the tracks in the snow to be cat.

The stomach/or what?

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